small business it services

AI Hosting

Why use AHvos AI for your organization’s needs?
  • Near real-time AI processing
  • More accurate than ChatGPT
  • A fraction of the overhead / processing required by most LLMs
  • Leverage your organization's proprietary information
  • Your own private, customized AI Engine
  • AI Hosted in a secure, dedicated, private cloud
  • No data is retained in the AI Engine or on the AI server

Near real-time AI processing

AHvos AI processes data at a much faster rate than leading AI Engines.

Benchmark processing time with Amazon data using a leading AI Engine


Records processed

4+ hours

Processing time

Benchmark with AHvos:


Records processed

1.8 seconds

Processing time
(on a laptop)

More Accurate than leading AI Engines

Yes! AHvos AI is more accurate than the leading AI Engines.

Benchmark accuracy with Amazon data using a leading AI Engine


Record set



Benchmark with AHvos:


Records set



Fraction of the Overhead of the current Large Language Models

Current Large Language Models require extensive resources to train and to maintain. AHvos’s AI technology greatly reduces the processing power required to process large volumes of data.

private cloud services

Greatly reduces the cost of training the AI Engine

Current Large Language Models require extensive resources to train and to maintain. AHvos’s AI technology greatly reduces the processing power required to process large volumes of data.

LLM’s require you to start fresh to retrain and to add any new features to the AI Engine.

AHvos’s technology allows you to:

  • re-train the AI engine without having to start over; and
  • allows you to use the existing AI Engine to add new features or to refine the functionality.

Leverage your Organization’s internal proprietary information

All organizations have lots of data internally, but much of this data is not used effectively to further the goals of the organization.

With AHvos, you can begin to leverage this data. AHvos can help you:

  • find correlations in the data
  • develop strategies based on its findings
small business it services
small business it services

AHvos is your own Customized AI Engine

AHvos allows you to create customized AI Engines to solve specific complex problems.

compliance services

Trinsic / AHvos Private Cloud Partnership

As AHvos’ only Authorized Hosting Provider, Trinsic Technologies and AHvos have teamed up to provide you access to AHvos’ powerful AI Engine from within Trinsic’s Secure Private Cloud. Trinsic has been providing private cloud services since 2015. Trinsic is dedicated to bringing Concierge Private Cloud Hosting Services to AHvos’ AI Engine customers that is secure, reliable, and fully supported and designed specifically for the customer’s needs.
